We're happy to tell you that Mandy has a new furever home. Please visit our Available Dogs Page to see the pups currently available.
Mandy, name meaning worthy of love. Mandy is SPIN's first intake of 2025. She was released from a doodle breeding farm. Her sole worth was her ability to produce cute doodle puppies. Puppies whose worth was calculated on the cute marketing name of "doodle." The name that's worth 1000s of dollars. Not the temperament. Not the breed lines. Not the overall health. Just the fact that the puppies can be called "doodle" would increase their worth astronomically.
Ah but Mandy became "worthless." Her value plummeted when she could no longer produce OR the market for highly profitable puppies (low cost to produce, high sales price due to doodle cache) subsided.
Mandy. Worthy of Love. All dogs are worthy of love. And respect. We know Mandy probably produced the cutest of puppies. Herself a merle, she didn't come from the best of backgrounds either. And because she was merle she was used to produce those cute, highly profitable puppies. Because she was merle, her value was high until it wasn't. Worth. Value. But where was Love?
Mandy will become SPIN's touchstone for 2025. Worth and Love. Two incredibly important concepts in the canine world. How do you define value? How do you define worth? All dogs walking on the earth right now are worthy of love. Whether you share your life with a mix or a purebred, that dog is worthy of love. But let's go beyond that and fight to make sure that no dog is ever viewed as worthless. And if they are, then you, and not "them," will do something about it.
Mandy. Worthy of Love. Mandy came into SPIN directly from the doodle breeding farm so matted and so very very filthy. SPIN immediately took her in and she got her first glimpse of love. We shaved off those terrible mats that were constantly tugging at her skin, her poor damaged skin. Days later, Mandy still receives medicated baths and then is wrapped in a big warm blanket and cuddled.
Mandy is slowly beginning to trust. She doesn't fight back. She just sinks into hopelessness. But we are beginning to see her Inner Poodle flicker. She is beginning to see that these humans view her as worthy of love. Welcome to SPIN, Mandy. We got you. We, all of us, view you as worthy of love.
If you are ready and able to provide Mandy with all the love she deserves, please contact us to learn more about her.
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