We're happy to tell you that Mav (now Levi) has a new furever home. Please visit our Available Dogs Page to see the pups currently available.
FRESH news from MAV ( now Levi). It was time to say goodbye to Rose, my wonderful foster mom. She was careful to instruct my new parents on how to groom me and other little secrets ...Then out we went to me my new Shiba sister ( for the second time). I jumped in the SUV where they secured me and I found a nice mattress just st for me. I looked back a few times, as a way of saying goodbye to this beautiful place !!!
The ride went smoothly - having Keisha, one year older than me, being so relaxed helped a lot, for sure! Once we got t home, I did not jump out of the car. I was standing, looking around, looking at Keisha walking away in the garden ... then she went in because I was not ready yet to come out. Instead, I sniffed everything that was around me in the SUV. My new mom tried to show me the way out but I was not ready. 30 m later, Benoît,my new dad, came to help me move on; he took me in his arms like a little lamb and brought me inside my new home.
There I met my brother cat who was a bit impressed by my size and he spoke to me about his uneasiness. Keisha also reminded me I was in her home and she brought it to my attention his her squeaking sound. So mom brought me in my new wired crate where I felt ready for my super at 17:40. Perfect timing. Keisha got her meal too in her crate. Then mom opened the patio door and my crate and we went out together for a discovery walk in my new garden. It felt new but homey. We walk slowly together my new blue leash on for a few minutes. It was dark with one green spot at the back but I was okay. I finally found a bush where I enjoyed peeing in a beautiful arabesque ballet position for more than a minute. I felt Mom’ s heartfelt satisfaction sigh!
I want to salute in a special way the Stewart’s priceless time they had this sweet poodle under their care. And all the team that bring us into the best process of selection, so everyone gets the best experience in all. You are amazing people ! We just feel so grateful and privileged of owning our first Spoo.
Thank you all
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